Then, as he sped into forward, the patrolman was dropped into the middle of the street and LaRue allegedly ran him over. Instead, LaRue allegedly took the officer for an unexpected ride, putting the car into reverse and dragging him backward for 50 feet.

#Zen parables from the norton reader 14th edition driver#
According to the patrolman, Grivas reached into the car, on the driver s side, to try to pull LaRue out. The patrolmen stopped their cars, got out and went to confront the driver. Clement Church location, LaRue allegedly veered to the left and crashed into the trees, curb and grass, Callamaras said. By this time, Callamaras joined Grivas in the chase. Once at Route 79, the cars sped toward Marlboro, but then sw ung around in the op p osite direction, toward Matawan. The chase sped through the F section of the Strathmore development, came out on Lloyd Road and then sped toward Route 79. LaRue, 25, of 13 Salem Drive, Colts Neck, on Route 34 in Aberdeen.

According to Patrolman Paul Callamaras of the Matawan police, Grivas had started chasing the Honda, driven by Arthur G. The driver of a Honda Accord allegedly ran over Grivas arm, pelvis and leg in the middle o f Route 79, near St. 1 JC o p r u n o v e r d u r in g h i g h s p e e d c h a s e BY LAUREN JAEGER Staff Writer 40 CENTS IN THE NEWS Students can do VOLUME 25, NUMBER 25 A berdeen Patrolman Gus Grivas was dragged 50 feet and then run over by a car Sunday morning after attempting to confront a driver in Matawan, police say.